Cool Attitude Bio For Facebook 2022
2022 Cool Attitude Bio For Facebook
You’ll find a treasure in what you’re about to read especially if what you’re looking for is attitude bio for Facebook
I like to think of my self as a snob. If there is anything I loathe, it is any tiny bit of mediocrity lingering around or a status quo striving to last. So, I never acknowledge mediocre or give it too much thought. This is me in few words. You should only read further if you think there is more to the few. But you may also want to stop if the truth of a matter/person scares you.
If you are looking for the perfect way to express your attitude on your facebook profile, Whatsapp profile, Instagram bio or whichever social media platform you choose. We’ve got some cool bio ideas that will suit your profile update to show your attitude and creativity mind.
Let’s check out the collections of ideas to describe yourself

Bio Ideas for Facebook
1. I am a force! You don’t wanna mess with me and look forward to freedom. I will tame you and make you sorry.
2. I am almost never sorry because I take my time to think and re think anything I would lay my hands on.
3. I am a brutal talker, I always hide under the shadow of honesty to do this. But then, it’s not hiding per say because the truth is always brutal. Or is it bitter?
4. So, I’m honest to the core except when I am going to sleep at night. I tell my self with sincerity that I will wake up as early as 5:00am but then the alarm bell goes off too early at 5 and I continue to snooze until I wake up from my sleep looking like the angry bird.
5. I always have a good day too! No matter how grumpy I look at dawn, something good always happens or when it fails to happen, I happen to it. I go out of my way to have a good day because I love feeling good!
6. I’m a sucker for eloquence, if you will speak any language at all, be fluent! Show off the correct diction confidently and you’ll win a part of my heart.
7. The other part of my heart can be won with advent creativity. Expect encomium at it’s highest if you’re artistic and not afraid to engage your art because you are aware it matters.
8. Other things that make my heart pulsate with joy are Love, equality and Love again. I love the experience of loving someone even when I’m not sure of the future.
9. Never afraid to love. I’m almost a serial dater and I never get devastated after a relationship. Because, if you remember, I like having good days.
10. I once had a pet I loved with my whole heart. When ken cat died, I did a personal wake and threw a party the next day. How weird is that? My friends still don’t know the reason for that one party!
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11. It’s not like I love parties, I just like to be the life of any party I’m in. I may probably struggle to leave my house for the party. But, the struggle is as fierce when it’s time for me to leave the party for home. I love dancing!
12. More than I love dancing, I love making money. I’m grateful everyday that I’ve found a beautiful means to put my hobby into action.
13. Whenever I am a bit stressed or depressed, nothing seems to work for soothing except a cup of beverage or brewing coffee.
14. I probably snore but I do not know, it’s one of the mysteries I’ve been very curious about myself. Still waiting on someone bold enough to talk to me about it.
16. Exam to me is a true test of knowledge and cramming. Ensure you do one of these or both well before you say otherwise. This is why my attitude to preparation for examination is second to none. I like writing any exam prepared!
17. I love plantain so much that I enjoy it with anything even that thing you just thought about. I remember one time I had to travel a long distance just to get a bunch I couldn’t get in my immediate environment.
18. I’m a great sibling and a greater daughter. Being the second daughter of three children has taught me so much especially balance. It’s taught me what I am known for today; acceptance.
19. To learn is to live. This has always been my number one excuse for learning so much on impulse. I have no regret.
20. The best cry I have ever had was when I received this really fat slap from my angry father because I loved and thought he didn’t have a say at seventeen. I will never forget how deep I slept after crying that day.
Cool Bio for Facebook
21. My idea of fun is watching a romantic movie alone in a dark room or writing my thoughts inside a diary. These two help me relax so well and I also get to have a good laugh before, during or at the end of each.
22. Whoever anyone decides to be to me nearly never affects how I treat them. I treat people equally and derive happiness while at it.
23. There are some days that threaten to bring out the worst in me. On these days, any one looking to have a contact with me may think I’m too moody for comfort.. But, this is just how I know how to get through a gory day. This happens before I eventually get the juice of the day back because I always do!
24. I once argued loudly with an elderly person and as much as I didn’t like my conduct afterwards, I didn’t regret airing my mind. I will probably never back down on going against inequality of any sort.
25. I used to be a reader until I found another true love. From reading so much, I learned that I can be whoever I decide to be. This is why you’ll never hear me speak down on myself! People often mistake this for pride.
26. I’m always okay with being the strange one in the room. I even go out of my way sometimes to stand out and be seen differently.
27. I’ve read so much about self love and self esteem but I still put so much work into loving myself that sometimes I feel it’s what I have to continuously do as long as I live.
28. You will never find me apologising for who I am because it can’t be changed or for what people think I am because they are responsible for their own opinions.
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29. I’m at my best during festive periods because I love the euphoria that comes with celebrations. I never make the mistake of not basking in it.
Cool Attitude Captions
30. I live by faith and not be sight. This can be easily seen in the decisions I make daily and how I react to situations.
31. I’m more proactive than reactive. I make plans for anything and everything.
32. I am not God who’s good all the time but I try to be good most of the time. Sometimes I even feel like I try too hard.
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33. I am a talker. I love talking about everything ranging from my anger to joy and happiness. So, if you’ve ever been around me when I’m emotionally high, I’d probably have talked like an apothecary.
34. Great things and people inspire me to do better. Regardless of your field, if I’ve ever come across your amazing work, you’ve fueled more passion towards greatness in me.
35. Doggedness is one of the most fierce things I’m known for. I do not think I’m relenting anytime soon because I’m a firm believer in the unwavering spirit and persistence.
36. The best of my flaw is that I always want people around me or at least the ones I call friends to be better at whatever they do even if they have zero interest in being better. I guess you could say I push people too hard.
We would love to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to share your attitude status ideas with us using the comment box